Hello everyone
The July meeting includes our AGM and we will be very sorry to say goodbye to Stephanie Boyle and Kale Miller who are leaving the committee. Stephanie has been on this committee for the past 6 years and has been organising our Guest hours for the past 7 years. She has been a hard-working, informative and invaluable member of the Committee and I speak for all of us when I say we shall miss her every month at our lively meetings.
Kale has been on this Committee for the past 12 months and, apart from deserving a medal for being the only male amongst 8 women, his contribution and advice has also been invaluable.
This means there are two new vacancies on the Committee. We have had 3 new nominations for the Committee but this shouldn’t stop any other members from nominating—it will simply mean that we hold a ballot for the four committee places.
There will be more major changes on the Committee—Marion Power is stepping down from being Treasurer after 3 years, having been Secretary for 3 years previous to that so we need a replacement. I cannot begin to say what a massive contribution Marion has made to the Society during the last 6 years—her energy and enthusiasm have helped to bring the Society to where it is today. Marion has streamlined our system using Excel but we are happy to change to whatever program suits and you will have the full support of the Committee. We cannot function without a Treasurer so please contact me if you would like to know more or just to talk the position through.
After 12 months of filling in as Secretary, Cass Gartner is prepared to continue as Minutes Secretary while Gerri Box is nominating as Secretary. The rest of us on the Committee are all willing to nominate again but that doesn’t stop anyone else from nominating for any position. New blood is the best way forward for any Society so if you want to make your presence felt in Perth’s art community and make a difference to this great Society, please contact me or Geri Box (acting Secretary until the meeting) secretarywswa@gmail.com
There is also another important change—Lorraine Gardner has been providing our wonderful morning teas for the past 7 years and she would like to hand over to someone else. I have always said that Lorraine is probably the most important person in the Society and everyone will understand what I mean if no-one takes over from her! Thank you Lorraine—you are a true star! Details and information about this position are on page 6.
Download the full newsletter using the link below. Much more information is contained in the full document.
Header Image: Marion Power, our long serving committee member, previously Secretary and Treasurer. Stepping down from the Treasurers position this year. Step up and be one of us.
“There is no “I” in team, but we sure are glad there is “u” in volunteers!”
Debbie Weir