While the IWEF 2020 has a limited lifespan due to the current Corona Virus situation, we did start the exhibition off with a big bang. Hundreds of people attended the opening night at the Mooores Building, Fremantle, where we enjoyed a few wines and were able to view the wonderful array of paintings from all over the world.
The night began with a Welcome to Country delivered by local Nungyar Elder, Theresa Walley and her daughter, Cheryl Martin. Brad Pettitt, the Mayor of Fremantle officially opened the exhibition. Internationally renown watercolour artist, Joseph Zbukvic also spoke to the crowd and held workshops during the following week before we had to close the event.
So even if you weren’t able to attend the opening, you can view the images below and have a virtual night out. Grab yourself a glass of wine and take your time perusing the 180 paintings on offer. If something grabs your fancy you can view the catalogue from the link below.