Join me for a fun day of exploring the fundamentals of a good watercolour painting.

Simplifying a composition into simple shapes.

Choosing a focal point
Tone of darks against lights
Mixing chosen colours on the paper
Final detail

We will be painting in a room in London Court in the city.

20th June 9.30am to 4.30pm  with a short break for lunch.
It will be wise to go into the city by bus as parking is so expensive. I believe Central Park parking is $45 for the day!
There are buses that stop outside the St George end entrance
The room is on the St Georges Terrace end of the Court. Look for a sign I will place at the entrance.

Contact John on 0417 182 704

Or via Email:

We will do two paintings if possible.

$110 pp for the day

There are tables and chairs but bring your small easel or a desk easel so as you can tilt your board at about 30deg

Bring 4 half sheets of good ROUGH watercolour paper. 38cm x 28cm
A board to tape the paper to.

at least 2 blues, 2 Reds and 2 Yellows would be good  e.g. good transparent options are

Cobalt blue
Alizarin crimson
Raw sienna

Tubes with a pallet are preferable as you can get more thick paint out of a tube) . A tin of good quality blocks of paint will also be OK

Use any brushes but at least one round, mop and square brush would be good.
The photo below shows 6 brushes.
Square 1 and 1/2 inch
Square1 inch
No16 Round
No10 Round