Not long to go now until the Annual Awards Exhibition. All the information you need is in this newsletter. There are a few exciting changes. If you are looking for a change for your volunteering at the exhibition, our sponsors, Winsor, and Newton will be supplying paint and paper for the “try me table”, this will require a member to supervise for their rostered duty. This will be fun! Please specify this on your roster if you want to do this.

Saturday 7th of October will be a plein air competition held at Gage Roads. Registration is 8.30, painting from 9-1, there are many prizes including spot prizes for artists giving out flyers for the Annual Awards Exhibition. On-members are welcome to enter ($20 for adults, $10 for kids, free if you have paintings in the AAE) Paintings will be on display in Gage Roads until the end of the exhibition and will be for sale directly with the artist.

A great opportunity for artists to get out there and enjoy the Fremantle atmosphere and changing light. Paper for this event will be supplied by Fabriano, leftover paper will be used for artists demonstrating at the Annual Awards Exhibition. Winsor and Newton will also be providing some paints for artists to use in their demonstrations in the AAE. Details for the plein air event are still being finalised.

Winsor and Newton are also providing a raffle.

Don’t forget, you can copy this image and use it in your social media posts when we are advertising the Annual Awards Exhibition 2023