WATERCOLOUR WORKSHOP with CASS GARTNER Sat 24TH and Sun 25th June 2023
‘The House’, Campbell Barracks, Seaward Avenue, Swanbourne
Morning Session: 9:30 am 12:30 pm
Lunch: 12:30 pm 1:30pm
Afternoon Session: 1:30 pm 4:30 pm
Morning and Afternoon Tea with snacks will be provided and a hot lunch at 12:30 pm
Please let me know if you have any special dietary requirements.
Cost: $110 per day
I will be doing two paintings each day (one morning, one afternoon). We’ll cover a landscape, a seascape, a boat-scene and a streetscape. I’ll provide A4 colour references for each subject and will systematically work through the approach of the painting along with guides and general information on watercolour techniques.
To secure your place, contact me via email or by phone.
cgartner@iinet.net.au or 0414 714 390
If you’d like to book a spot, I can put you on my confirmed list once payment is made. Bookings are taken on a first come, first served basis and I’m capping it at 15.
I can do a full refund up to two weeks prior to the commencement date. Once you’ve confirmed I will provide a map on how to access the venue along with any other relevant information.
I’ve included a couple of samples of my work although these are not necessarily what we’ll be painting. I’d love for you to join me on this workshop!