August 29-September 3 – 2023

Canadian artist Michael Solovyev is a recognised International World Master Watercolour Artist with many years experience tutoring workshops all over the world.

He has won many International Awards, is Canadian Country Leader for Fabriano in Acquerello, he is an ambassador for Daniel Smith Paints and Escoda brushes and an IWS Signature member.

Michael last came to Perth in May 2019 and now he will be back!

An outstanding teacher, Michael’s watercolour workshops are not to be missed. Filled with fresh insights, unique perspectives, with brilliant easy to follow demonstrations and lots of fun! The focus will be on composition, tones and values, wet in wet, perspective, city scapes, landscapes and figures…….and Michael promises lots of fun  and many surprises!

The workshop will be a mix of studio and plein air, from portrait to landscape with loads of tips and personal input from Michael to support and grow your work

August 29th -Studio & Figurative
August 30th-Studio Figurative & Portraits
August 31st-Free day
September 1st-Plein Air
September 2nd-Plein Air
September 3rd-Plein air in garden & Studio Wrap up with bubbles at the end of day!

When: August 29-September 3rd

Where: Studio work at 6 Spata Lane Canning Vale and plein air venues are TBA closer to the event.

Cost: $200 per day

A deposit of $350 will secure your booking. When paying, please add your name and initials MSW as reference. ie Scott MSW

Advise by email with a bank payment pdf and your receipt will be forwarded. The materials list and plein air venues TBA closer to the event.

Payment details are:

JA Scott
BSB- 016 002
A/C Number-3069 59011

Enquiries:  judescott135@gmail.com  or 0420767575


04 20 767 575