Moments of Memory and Amazement
… from Geraldine Box, WSWA Member, Secretary 2021-2022
For many years, well actually forty two years, Valerie Parker has been collecting and filing various details of people and places, events, exhibitions, and photos related to the Watercolour Society of Western Australia. From the early discussions and formulative activities in 1980, to 2014 Valerie kept a working file or scrap book of all this history. She continues to do this, but it is this initial 34 year period that forms the background to this WSWA publication:
The History of the Watercolour Society of Western Australia 1980 – 2014
Sue Bass and I met with Valerie and after discussing the process towards turning her collection into a booklet, she agreed to us going ahead. This meant handing over her precious collection of original photos (forget the digital age we are now in), and her annotations, so that work could begin.
One of the side benefits for we two, was that we got to know more about one of our original founding members, and to see some of Val’s extensive collection of WA and other art works, a gem in itself.
Sue was able to un-bound the scrap book, carefully remove all the photographs, and typed pages, scanning in each, and working a layout of each page within the limitations of not having full digital access. The result is a beautiful and informative reflective history of our Society and the members who have been a part of it along the way.
I would encourage members to purchase a copy. Some will find it interesting because they experienced or know of those earlier years, others like myself had no idea of this background and have found it most revealing and amazing to see what those before us have accomplished.
Above: Valerie Parker is presented her copy of
The History of the Watercolour Society of Western Australia 1980 – 2014
by Penny Maddison.
Penny is going to continue Valerie’s work on the valuable recording of the WSWA‘s journey.
Price $25 per copy. Place your order by:
- Add your name and contact details to the Sign up Sheet that will be at the next meeting
- OR email Sue Bass at
- Pay the $25 to the WSWA account using the reference:
BookSurname eg. BookSmith
You will be notified when the book will be available to pick up at the next meeting. If anyone requires postage there will be an extra cost of $10. Please provide details of your address.
Also, there will be a SAMPLE COPY at the next meeting if you would like to peruse it.