Hello everyone
Following the meeting on 16th November, our Guest Hour will be a visit from Jackson’s Art Supplies with some specials and goodies just in time for Christmas.

After the Guest Hour, we will have our Christmas Lunch—bookings are now closed so if you have missed the deadline, please contact me to go on a list in case we get any cancellations. Please remember to bring along a hand-painted card (no prints thank you!) for our Christmas card competition. The “winning” card will be sent to our Patron, Ken Michael, who will also be attending the lunch. Most of the remaining cards are sent to all our sponsors and supporters and the rest are kept to send out to members who are sick. Details are on page 3 and the entertainment booked will be something special……

Since we received the invitation to send paintings to the 3rd IWS India Biennale, we have received another for the Global Art Connection Watercolour Exposition France Poland 2022. This was sent by another of our contacts from last years’ IWEF and although we didn’t get a lot of notice, the response from our members has been very good and a selection of the paintings will be made by the Committee on Sunday14th November.

“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others.
Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?”

– Bob Hope