There’s a lot going on at the moment with the auction coming up in 2 weeks time, the Watercolour Weekend Fair in May and don’t forget the WatercoloursWA Portrait Prize at the July meeting which was in the calendar that was sent out to everyone last month. (More details about this will be in the next Newsletter.)

So please read this Newsletter carefully!

Gillian Peebles – Who will be presenting Guest Hour at the next meeting, details on Page 3.

We are also looking at having a drawing/sketching/painting session with a model in costume at the April meeting as well as having Sandie Schroder from the Art Scene.

Featured Image – Richard Bristows painting being displayed on the Yagan Square Digital Tower.  Read more about this exciting initiative in the newsletter.

A new feature of the website is we are now uploading the minutes.  The Minutes for the Meeting held 16 February 2021 have been uploaded.  These are located in a password protected area called Forms & Documents.

“Watercolour, with all its subtle colour and value
gradations and its many welcome surprises,
is the perfect medium for capturing mood.“

Ray Hendershot